Oklahoma State University - Career Services
Building upon OSU's land-grant mission, OSU Career Services facilitates quality career development and outreach services to enhance lifelong learning and economic development.

Express Employment Professionals
Express Employment Professionals is a leading staffing provider in the U.S., Canada and South Africa. Every day, it helps job seekers find work and businesses find qualified employees.
Express Employment Professionals puts people to work. The company generated $3.4 billion in sales and employed more than 540,000 people in 2017. Its long-term goal is to put a million people to work annually. Founded in 1983, Express has more than 800 franchise locations worldwide.

Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
The Stillwater Chamber is the leader in representing business and the driving force behind the economic development of Stillwater. The Chamber builds business through educational programs and establishes connections while representing business at the local, state and federal level.
The Chamber is organized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Stillwater area so its citizens and all areas of the community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the agricultural, civic, commercial, cultural, economic, educational and industrial interests of the area.

Oklahoma Works
Oklahoma Works is designed to increase the wealth of all Oklahomans through facilitating quality employment for workers and ready availability of highly skilled talent for business and industry. Oklahoma Works' strategic priorities are coordinated by the Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development.

Oklahoma Employment Securities Commission
Whether you are an employer looking for workers with just the right skills, a job seeker looking for a new employment opportunity, a workforce partner needing to access tools to help your customers or someone seeking the latest state or local demographics to make more informed decisions in the labor market, Oklahoma Employment Securities Commission can help.
The OESC is a United States Department of Labor (USDOL) funded agency dedicated to providing quality service and assistance to Oklahoma businesses and job seekers.