Oklahoma Department of Commerce
Oklahoma is globally recognized for its outstanding incentive programs and pro-business environment. Through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, businesses can choose between a cash incentive or a tax credit package, and in some cases, qualifying businesses can take advantage of both programs.
- This program provides quarterly cash payments up to 5% of new payrolls for up to 10 years. Companies must achieve an average wage threshold and $2.5 million in new annual payrolls within three years to qualify. Companies must offer basic health insurance to employees. In some cases, qualifying companies must also attain 75% out-of-state sales.
Small Employer Quality Jobs Program
- Quarterly cash payments of up to 5 percent of new taxable payroll
- Qualifying small employer = 90 employees or fewer
- Annual salaries that are at least 110 percent of average county wage
- This program is designed to attract growth industries and sectors to Oklahoma in the 21st century through a policy of rewarding businesses with a highly skilled, knowledge-based workforce. This incentive reduces out-of-state sales requirements from 75% to 50% for industries that are required to have out-of-state sales, and requires only 10 full-time jobs at an annual wage typically 300% of the county average wage. It also maximizes the eligible incentive by allowing a net benefit rate of up to 10% of payroll.
Incentive/New Jobs Tax Credit Package
- Choice of tax credit based on investment or new employees.
- Five-year state tax credit on the greater of 1% per year of investment in new depreciable property, or $500 per new job.
- Credit doubles to 2% or $1,000 per employee in Enterprise Zones and Priority Enterprise Zones, or for investments of $40 million.
- Minimum investment of $50,000.
- May be combined with Quality Jobs under certain circumstances.
- Investment in Priority Enterprise Zones (PEZs) may take advantage of Federal Opportunity Zone Funds. PEZs have the same benefits as regular Enterprise Zones, and are designed to match the boundaries and duration of Federal Opportunity Zones.
Aerospace Engineer Workforce Tax Credit
- Aerospace companies hiring engineers in a variety of fields will receive a tax credit equal to five (5) percent of the compensation paid to an engineer until January 1, 2026, or ten (10) percent if the engineer graduated from an Oklahoma college or university (up to $12,500 per employee per year), plus another credit of up to fifty (50) percent of the tuition reimbursed to an employee until January 1, 2026. Additionally, the engineer hired receives a tax credit of $5,000 per year until January 1, 2026.
Oklahoma Business and Incentive Tax Guide
Oklahoma Innovation Expansion Program
- The Oklahoma Innovation Expansion Program (OIEP) makes $15 million in funding available to qualifying companies across the state. OIEP supports high-impact new capital investment across a broad range of industries to help diversify the state’s economy, lead to new product development or increase capacity at Oklahoma’s existing companies. In addition to encouraging new capital investment, these awards support existing jobs and the creation of new jobs. The program is administered by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the Oklahoma Development Finance Authority (ODFA).
- The application period for 2025 OIEP will open on Monday, March 31, 2025, and close on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 5p.m.
- Interested in applying? Fill out our Interest Form to receive additional guidance and support with your application.

Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber is actively involved in recruiting quality jobs to Stillwater. With that, the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce will be your point organization for working through local incentives. Local incentives include Tax Increment Financing, permitting fee waivers, utility connection fee waivers, and a variety of other unique local incentives.

Oklahoma CareerTech
Whether you're a new or expanding company in our state, our nationally acclaimed Training for Industry Program (TIP) can help you create the quality workforce you need, all at little or no cost to you. TIP is delivered through Oklahoma CareerTech's system of 59 technology center campuses across the state. Meridian Technology Center provide these services in Stillwater. Services provided include job analysis, training needs assessments, pre-employment training, pre-production training, post-production training, instructional materials and development, training supplies, and more.

New Market Tax Credits
The New Market Tax Credits program incentivizes community development and economic growth through the use of tax credits that attract private investment to distressed communities. The credit totals 39 percent of the original investment amount and is claimed over a period of seven years. New market tax credits are available in Stillwater.